Day of Caring Coordinator Form

Please fill out this form if your company is interested in participating in the 26th Annual Day of Caring. Day of Caring is scheduled for September 20, 2019.

Coordinator Orientation Meeting (optional)

You are not required to attend the coordinator orientation meeting, but the meeting is open to everyone. We strongly encourage new coordinators to attend. The coordinator orientation meeting will be held July 10, 2018 at 4 pm at the United Way office, 2424 Springer Drive, Suite 304.


If you have any questions, email Jed Dembowski or call the United Way office at 405.329.2025.

Thanks for your interest in United Way of Norman's Day of Caring! Please fill out this form if your company or agency would like to participate.

Once you submit this form you will be redirected to a page with more specifics on Day of Caring, including volunteer and project form links. If you have any questions, please email